Soul Growth Wellness

Social Anxiety Support Group
The scene: I thought my heart would beat right out of chest when I was at a friend’s birthday party years ago. "What were they thinking?" "Can I say something witty?" "Omg, I feel so freaking uncomfortable right now!" I laughed and smiled a lot, not always authentically. Lol! Maybe you can relate?
Such is the case with social anxiety. The nagging suspicion that doom is near when you’re interacting with other people. It comes up with strangers for sure. But even friends, family, and positive co-workers can bring it up and out.
I want to work with you, be in community with you, and help you create a positive relationship with yourself and others. Let's help you curate your perfect tribe.
If you’re like me you’ve had some “relational trauma” in your life. Times in relationships, most likely from childhood, teenhood, and early adulthood that told you other people weren’t safe.
It takes quite a bit of work to begin un-believing that.
It takes some faith to believe others can be safe.
It takes dedication to practice those new beliefs in your life.
It is not a journey someone should take alone.
And the good new is you don’t have to!
Practicing feeling calmer in social situations takes time. It takes time to rewire your brain. It takes time for your body’s nervous system to catch up to the new you that is emerging. This is work that is done on your own time.
But it’s also done in community with other people. It’s a good idea to do it in community with others who feel the way you do. You can get a high five when you get outside your comfort zone. And you can receive support and love when you have a set back. But most importantly you have a group behind you that are supporting your growth and you are supporting theirs. This is part of what teaches us to be safe with others and inside our own bodies again.
The Details:
Group is an online zoom, 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month, 6:30p CST
Meets for an 1 hour
Has a code of conduct (but you will always be asked for input because YOU matter)
What We Do:
Focus on discussing how past "relational traumas" made you see yourself and others which has made being social more difficult, rather than re-hashing trauma or bad relationships
Opportunities to practice social skills and rewire your brain to feel safe
Goal setting social targets and interactions
Open floor to speak about how anxiety has impacted you
Opportunity to receive helpful, respectful feedback and support around your struggles
Together we make living more enjoyable and satisfying!