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Eliminate Your Anxious State

*Do you want to gain peace of mind?


*Are you ready to take risks and feel great?


*Isn't it time to eliminate your anxiety and be free?




Is this you?


When was the last time you felt comfortable taking a risk? Felt good doing simple things like visiting friends, going grocery shopping? Talking to someone? Asking for a promotion? Having a tough conversation with your partner?


Simply being you?

When you suffer from anxiety the answer to those questions are uncomfortable because the truth is that it's been a LONG time. And the other truth is the cost is truly extreme. Missed opportunities to connect with others that you enjoy. Running from a social gathering because it's too panic inducing. Being in your head so much that it's impossible to feel safe and relaxed when others appear to do so freely.


It is depressing and I know because that was my life a while back. I couldn't handle social situations. Dreams for running a business went deferred. My relationships were not particularly healthy because I did not share myself fully. I drank too much and self medicated and found myself farther and farther from who I wanted to be.

Any of this sound or feel familiar?

I hope that it does because if it speaks to you then you are in a place I call the tipping point. It is too painful to stay the way you are and too painful to become more. And it's this precise point when the greatest opportunity awaits you to have what you really want. Freedom from the pain of an anxious self!


Imagine for yourself...


  • What could it be like to go the grocery store with ease?

  • See a few friends without your heart beating a mile a minute?

  • Do a presentation with a confidence?

  • Talk to the person who interests you?

  • Have an easier going relationship with loved ones?

  • Show up for yourself and know that you won't run?

  • Or anything you know anxiety has kept you from!


Do you want to stop running and live confidently?



Woman at the Beach

The Deceptively Simple Solution


It's real simple that it's almost too easy to believe, but in my personal experience and with clients; the number one offender is that you are not in a state of acceptance.

Much like the spiritual sages of the past realized; acceptance is the key to freedom. But cultivating acceptance in yourself is hard. And furthermore it does not sound very rewarding. Accept my pain? Accept people's ill treatment of me and others? Accept the way the world works? Accept my predicament?

Nope, I'm not talking about what those questions sound like: GIVING IN AND GIVING UP!

That is not an empowering way to live and fails to make you feel good about yourself in any way. I am talking about accepting the results of our actions or inaction.


I could create 15 nightmare scenarios about anything I thought about doing and any one of them could come true. Sometimes they did. But what I failed to do was cultivate any acceptance in myself for the actions I took.


Was I socially awkward in a new environment? Yep! I beat myself into oblivion for even one one social faux pax and for what? Those people didn't care. I was the one left holding the emotional burden. I needed to learn that if those folks felt awkward or were judgmental, it was an acceptable result of my actions.

This isn't "I don't care what people think" talk either. Of course I cared, and I would not stop caring. But I had to care more about how I felt after it was all said and done and acceptance was the path to managing my emotions, so they did not manage me.

What happened when I began to accept awkward silences, nervous laughter, my own embarrassment, an angry partner or more, is that I gained freedom. I gained freedom from the anxiety and the desire to control what I could not, what other people say or do or don't do.

That freedom has gotten me close friendships, amazing support networks, a successful business, and the ability to maintain healthy boundaries with loved ones. I've given presentations, reached out to strangers, and didn't worry about a plane falling from the sky. I'm living FREEDOM!


Do you want freedom too?


What do I have to do?


So I say acceptance is the solution. Do you believe it? I would hope so and that previous ideas about acceptance are not your current focus.

Because do you really know what acceptance means? Or how it would operate in your life?

My guess is probably not and that's okay, I didn't have the tools either. Nor a clear idea about how acceptance would completely change my reality. Like you, I needed to acquire the tools and you can get them too!

I have a program. Yes...(cue eye roll), I have a program. And it will change your life. You will kick anxiety's ass and you will be a free person doing it.



By helping you recognize that anxiety always seeks to make you the victim of your mind and body.
My program helps you realize that you have more power than you think.


  • We do mind/body/embodiment work.

  • We do challenging limiting beliefs.

  • We deep dive on the past.

  • We do major perspective shifts.

  • We do  A LOT! More than I can list here.

Any one of these things by themselves can help, but doing them in concert and appropriately melding the techniques together yields serious results.

Even if you think you've done it all before and nothing changed...then something didn't click. There are very few things in this world that when we direct our energy to them, absolutely nothing changes. Risk aversion with anxiety is normal and expected, I know that. I've been there.

But when you're at the tipping point and pain exists in every direction, when presented with something different and unique it pays to jump in. It's the moment when everything changes.

Jump in today! Book a discovery call right now!


Lose fear and gain peace!
Book Your Discovery Call Today!

What's a discovery call?

It's an opportunity for you and I, client and coach, to get to know each other. It makes little sense to start a worldwind process and not even be sure of who you're working with and if compatibility is there.

You may have read an article, watched a video, or attended a workshop of mine and gotten a 'sense' of how I work. But what better way than to receive a coaching session?!

A discovery call isn't me trying to convince you to work with me, it's an opportunity to see if I'm effective at helping you deal with your anxiety. To find out if I can help you see your reality with new eyes and come away with an effective vision for the future and a way to get there.

Book that discovery call today, so you turn confusion into clarity and fear into inner peace!


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