How are you and your partner fairing? How connected do you feel? Hopefully super connected. But if not there are some ways to get there. Having healthy relationships is key to having a healthy life all around. You have more resiliency, better immune function, and are less likely to suffer from depression. And especially with your partner, these health benefits multiply exponentially. Loving relationships are the bees knees, amiright? So get your loving on with these tips.
Cuddle Up
This can feel so good! Lying together, feeling the solidity of your spouse or partner. The rise and fall of their chest. Their body heat. It’s a powerful way to spend time together that also doesn’t require much effort. Find a good cuddle position, because there can be that neck awkwardness and suddenly you’ve got a pinch in the spine. You want to feel better rather than worse, before the cuddle session started, right? If it’s hot, crank up the AC and cuddle under the blankets. If it’s cold, you’re already set for a good time.
Rough House
Don’t rough house! Parents and authority figures certainly said this enough to us when we were growing up, but we’re adults now. We can make our own decisions. Light hearted physical play is a fun time. Try to see who can pin down the longest. Add pillows. Run through the house. Scream, squeal, yell. It’s all in good fun. Besides this can also fuel your intimacy between the sheets too. What’s not to love?
Make Each Other Giggle
A shared laugh is worth its weight in gold when seeking to build a strong connection. It’s a mind thing, you remember this feel good moment with this person and your mind and body tell you to spend more time around this person to get another dopamine kick. Oxytocin (a bonding hormone) is released and you literally feel closer to your partner. Tell a terrible joke. Send crazy memes to other. Poke innocent fun at each other. It’s a sure fire way to increase your bond.
Exercise Together
Sweating, not the most fun way to spend time, but it can be a blast with your partner. Go for a run. Hit the local gym (or use those memberships gathering dust, ahem). Take a brisk walk or ride your bikes together. Try out a local co-ed softball league. The options are endless. You’ll be building a stronger bond and getting healthier to boot! And like rough housing, it absolutely creates an opportunity to get your loving on, who doesn’t love seeing their partner be strong and enduring. It’s one of the ultimate aphrodisiacs.
Have a Nice Night/Dinner Out
An oldie, but a goody. Sharing a nice meal is literally the highlight of human relations for thousands of years. Tasty food, good conversation, and exceptional drinks just go together. You don’t have to break the bank for this either. Check out Groupon. Do a happy hour special at a local bar. Finally check out that restaurant you’ve been meaning to try for months!
Watch a Sunrise Together
Mother nature is lovely, right? Glorious nature there for our eyes to feast upon and little holds up better than a sunrise (or sunset too!) Those wonderful colors fading in or fading out is truly magical. This is a nice time to just enjoy each other’s company without necessarily having anything to say. Just enjoying a beautiful sight together. It’s a good memory creator, especially when on a vacation somewhere. So get up early and watch together.
Wax Philosophic
What is the meaning of life? I dunno, but there lots of opinions and even answers depending on what you believe. There are so many things about the nature of human ingenuity, the awesome power of nature, the mystery of the cosmos that begs discussion, insight, and analysis. Do this with your partner. Have one of those super deep conversations at like 2 am in the morning and learn some more about this person you’ve chosen to spend so much time with. Their answers might just surprise you or even better grow you. #growyourlove #growth #relationships #romance #romanticadvice #couples
Santee Blakey is a Certified Life Coach and Licensed Massage Therapist at Soul Growth Wellness. When she's not biking, reading, or biking, or reading (she needs new hobbies, suggest her some:-), she'll be writing and enjoying a caramel frappacino in her favorite Starbucks. Follow her on Youtube for her series --> Self Acceptance: What It's Really Like (A Journey).