Just a blub really...
I was reading an article a while ago and I don’t remember specific details, but the author was telling a story. In the story, a man had lost someone dear to him. He happened upon a friend one day while in his grief and told the friend about his recent loss. The friend said something to him like, “What an amazing experience to have!” The man who experienced the loss didn’t see it that way.
Then the author went on to make a point, they said; the man who remarked “what an experience to have!” was a man who had made space for his emotions, all kinds to exist and showed respect and grace to them all.
I thought it was fascinating, but I definitely felt more like the man who didn’t see it as an amazing experience to have. Today, I still don’t know if I could respond in such a way to another, but some time later and a whole lot of struggling with my own past traumas and pain that went un-acknowledged, I can see why this mentality would be beneficial.
I spent years shifting pain, stuffing thoughts, numbing feelings and not making space for things and you know what happens eventually, no matter what...you overflow.
So maybe, even grief, among other experiences is – in fact – remarkable.
Santee Blakey is a Life Coach and Licensed Massage Therapist at Soul Growth Wellness. When she's not biking, reading, or biking, or reading (she needs new hobbies, suggest her some:-), she'll be writing and enjoying a caramel frappacino in her favorite Starbucks (this is obviously pre-Covid) *sigh*. Follow her on Youtube for her series --> Self Acceptance: What It's Really Like (A Journey).
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