It’s so not easy to write this, I feel super vulnerable putting this out there. You can probably understand this too. Spiritual awakenings are fraught with some isolation, feeling incredibly exposed and not knowing up from down any more. So I’ll start this series with some fast facts that hopefully comfort and most importantly guide your process.
I got this idea to do this series from the book Akata Witch by Nnedi Okorafor. It’s an amazing book! The young girl, the heroine Sunny, gets thrust into the supernatural quick, fast, and dirty. And the author has a book within the book, called Fast Facts for Free Agents. I identified with the concept so much, I decided to write this! And much like our heroine Sunny, spiritual awakenings are happening nowadays are fast.
There was a time that this process was paced, measured, and you were very supported. But those days are in the past. Some will find spiritual awakenings in a paced and measured way because more people are becoming mentors and spiritual guides along this path.
Nonetheless many of us will get it quick and dirty and it’s a ride; exhilarating, powerful, scary, painful, and wonderful all at the same time. Am I in the ballpark of your experience? I hope so, because I’m writing from my own.
My path started five years and yes, it’s still going.
First Fact
Once awakened, you rarely go back to sleep. It’s a journey, not a destination.
Second Fact
Go slow, even with the energy and power flowing through you, trying to slow down is key to surviving the initial awakening in tact.
Third Fact
Spiritual awakenings are as varied snowflakes. Trauma, great loss, super happiness, changes in diet, a new interest or job or activity, drug and alcohol use can all cause spontaneous awakenings. You are special, but you are far from alone. Your experience will at once be entirely your own and just like everyone else’s.
Fourth Fact
This third fact is not to make you feel less than. It’s an appeal to keep your ego in check. That power and energy is intoxicating. We want to wake other people up, save the world, gain all sorts of material comforts, fix everything wrong and more. Unfortunately, this is ego. And if your spiritual awakening is spontaneous, your ego work is going to be backwards. Your ego inflates, then deflates later. Rather than the reverse which is the ideal path.
"Regardless of what you believe, know that you have a purpose. Your awakening is a journey of a life time."
Fifth Fact
Make no mistake, you will change the world. Awakened people are special, we can manifest fast (this can backfire sometimes), we are persuasive, we know things that others do not. Your mere presence changes the collective conscious. However some of us will work in the shadows and others will be on the stage, none is better than the other. Opportunities exist in literally every industry and human activity on earth.
Sixth Fact
Spiritual awakening is primarily about waking up to your life purpose fully or realizing that you have one and getting led down the rabbit hole to find it.
Seventh Fact
Yes you! You have a purpose. Many awakened people come from all walks of spiritual or religious influence. Some will throw there previous beliefs away, others will double down on the one’s that feel right. Regardless of what you believe, know that you have a purpose. Your awakening is a journey of a life time.
Eighth Fact
Awakening is fun, scary, awkward, anxious, empowering, confusing, intoxicating, isolating, exhausting and like a dozen other descriptors because awakening is an ancient past time of humanity, butttttt…...it’s not really talked about in detail. You’ll end up doing your research on this in the long run, so do not worry if you’re not quite sure what this paragraph means. You will eventually, be patient.
Ninth Fact
You will not listen fact #2, especially if your awakening is spontaneous, especially if you were not even looking for this information or this experience. You want to know what all this is about. Chakras, spirit beings, angels, animal familiars, spells, God/Goddess, evil, The Universe, the cosmos, astrology, numerology, aliens (contested subject, but what isn’t on this list :-), crystals, rituals, astral travel, Qi, prana, religious conflict, ancestors, altars, mediums, empaths, clairvoyants, and a LOT of other things that I just can’t list here. Namely, if a lot of this is new to you. Look it up. But try to go slow.
Tenth Fact
You are and you NOT crazy. Let me explain: some of us will have problems (I happen to be bipolar). I mixed a lot of my schizo experiences with spiritual experiences. The clarity does come, but you must be patient. Others will have no diagnosis, but your folks will be like, “WTF is wrong with her/him/they!” You will seem crazy to yourself at times and definitely to others. But you are not. You are a child of the The Divine. This experience will likely increase your faith or bring faith you didn’t even know you had. Being awakened is like seeing colors for the first time. Most people, the living and the dead, just do not get to have these experiences. You’re crazy to them and they’re crazy to you. Simple, right?
There is lots more to say and I will continue to publish these fast facts!
Please note: There are many experts on this subject, seek them out. They can help you walk this path too. As a fellow awakened person, I am putting material like this together for readers (much of this info was in video format on YouTube). Also I’m pretty sure it’s part of my purpose too. There are many more who are awakening, the volume of material produced in just the last five years has been astounding. You may very well end up walking someone down this path too. So it’s a nice little circle of giving.
You are not alone in this process, not at all. Love yourself, forgive yourself (forgive those that know not what they do), and cut yourself some slack on this journey. It will take you places, some you want to go and some you will not. All the same, Easy does it.
Much love!
Santee Blakey is a Life Coach and Licensed Massage Therapist at Soul Growth Wellness. When she's not biking, reading, or biking, or reading (she needs new hobbies, suggest her some:-), she'll be writing and enjoying a caramel frappacino in her favorite Starbucks (this is obviously pre-Covid) *sigh*. Follow her on Youtube for her series --> Self Acceptance: What It's Really Like (A Journey).